So I am torn with what to do with RailsCRM. From the beginning it was always intended to be OSS and minimal. Then I started to add on to it. I feel that it should be something easy to use and require minimal setup and not have all of the bells and whistles as those could be added by the user.
I really do not know if anybody has used it for themselves as I have no idea whether anybody has cloned the repo and done anything with it.
So, I thought lately that I will set it up as a SaaS and still allow people to clone the basic and advanced crm repos. But now I am thinking that I should do both. Maybe make the new version that I have been working on the advanced version as well as setting it up to use as a SaaS.
I have no intention of making money off of this but I could see that if it were popular as a SaaS that I would incur the costs of running it.
I know that either way I have a lot of improvements to make and doing that is a little hard with so many other things occupying my time.
Does anybody think there would be a need for an easy to use CRM SaaS?