Well, on Monday I gave my 2 weeks notice at my job. Today was my last day. I no longer work for a company. I guess at this point I am my own boss, self-employed, or just jobless.
I am now working as a Ruby on Rails Developer. A computer programmer or a web developer; whatever title is best.
It has been a long trip so far, going from learning Python for geoprocessing, to wxPython, to Ruby on Rails. There are quite a few people that have helped me along the way. I remember my first time at the Ruby::AZ meetup. I had no clue what the Hell they were talking about. I just gave a presentation this week at Ruby::AZ for Rails BDD and Capybara. What a transition it has been.
I am now a contractor for ReblHold and working on my first project there. Hopefully before too long I can become a partner there. What is RebelHold? From their Facebook page:
"RebelHold is a workers collective, completely worker owned and run. RebelHold was created to equalize the playing field for workers, providing full health care (with no copays), paid training, equal salaries, and to meet the physical and social needs of communities all around us. We believe that putting the means of production in the hands of the workers is a first step, and that training new people to be able to work in whatever capacity they can is valuable. Every worker is an owner, all decisions are made by consensus, and every worker has the combined responsibility of training others. We are highly motivated to taking care of the needs of others through this process; and open to other processes to help. To create a mass of workers on equal grounds with each other who are taken care of completely; to pour ourselves in to improving the communities around us through training, through direct action, and through charity as needed; to communicate well with others; and to make high quality software that we can be proud of."
All of the places out there that charge to teach Ruby on Rails, and these guys are helping me learn for free!! With their help I was able to take the big leap to being a contract programmer and saying goodbye to corporate America.
From here on out it is the developers life for me!