Another year gone by...

Wow, it is so hard to believe that I have been living the life of a freelance Rails developer for the entire year of 2012.  What a year it has been.

I have learned so much this year and expect to learn more next year.  I know that it is early for new years resolutions but I plan on being more active in the Ruby community next year.  I will finally get off my ass and start creating screencasts and doing local presentations for what I call "Rails, now what?"

I know that all of us in the Ruby community owe so much to others that have come before us.  Many are those that are unnamed and others we all know of.  No matter how much or how little, we are all part of the community and are all responsible for growing this community.

Let's all try to teach other more next year.  Let's all try to stay away from the Rails community drama that makes all look like arrogant assholes.  Let's all remember what it was like when we were just starting out and how much we appreciated help from others.  Next year let's all of us take the time to teach one other person about Ruby.  There are people that are interested in becoming interns.  Find them, teach them and set them free.  The best RoR programmer you will ever hire is one that you yourself have trained.  Let's all of us commit to giving at least one presentation this upcoming year.

Remember people, that we are what we are because somebody helped us out once upon a time.

Here is to a great 2013 and lets all make Ruby on Rails the best that we can!!

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